贾丝廷娜托马斯' headshot next to the ACE American Council on Education Women's Network Delaware logo

Dr. 贾丝廷娜托马斯 Receives DAWN 2024 Visionary Award


Dr. 贾丝廷娜托马斯, Delaware Technical Community College’s vice president for academic affairs, has received the 2024 Visionary Award from the Delaware ACE Women’s Network (DAWN).

The three women recognized with this year’s award have shown that they are “doing great things in their communities, 家庭, and careers” and have shown themselves to be “forward thinkers and luminaries,据DAWN报道, which is a chapter of the American Council on Education (ACE).

The award winners are chosen by the DAWN executive committee, which is made up of members from each institution. Delaware Tech Academic Counselors Victoria Chang and Lisa Terranova, along with Director of Communication Debra Troxler, serve on DAWN’s executive committee and nominated Dr. Thomas for the award. 

“We nominated her because we feel like she has an outstanding commitment to Delaware Tech and the success of our students,张说, an academic counselor at the Terry Campus. “I had the opportunity to serve under Dr. Thomas on several committees 在学院 and have always admired her leadership style. She leads with grace, 散发出善良, has a heart of empathy, is an excellent listener, and she is very passionate about student success.”

Dr. Thomas joined Delaware Tech in 1997 as a full-time instructor in the Developmental Studies Department at the Owens Campus in 乔治敦大学. She later served as instructional coordinator, 系主任, Teaching Resource Center coordinator, and principal investigator and project director for two of the College’s U.S. Department of Labor Federal Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) grants. She has been in her current position since 2015.

Dr. Thomas holds a Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership from 威明顿 University, a Master of Instruction from the University of Delaware, and a Bachelor of Arts in English and Secondary Education from Salisbury University. She is a graduate of the College’s 2006 Leadership Development Program and recipient of the College’s Excellence in Student Success Award and Excellence in Teaching Award.

当DAWN问Dr. Thomas what inspires her, she had an immediate answer—Delaware Tech’s students.

“I am inspired and awestruck by the grit, 的决心, and perseverance our students demonstrate every day,”她说。. “They inspire me to be the best I can be in my role.”

The other two winners of the 2024 Visionary Award were Alisa V. Moldavanova, associate professor and director of the MPA Program for the Joseph R. 小拜登. School of Public Policy and 政府 at the University of Delaware, and Kim GrahamTrauma Academy director at Delaware State University.

DAWN upholds the mission of advancing women’s leadership by identifying women leaders, developing women's leadership abilities, encouraging the use of those abilities, advancing women’s careers, linking women to other women and mentors, and supporting women in mid- and executive-level positions throughout their careers.

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